domenica 20 settembre 2015

July - August 2015: 2.225 km NL - IT

Si sono stati 2.225 km quest'anno dal Nord al Sud. Ci sono riuscito nuovamente nonostante le calde temperature hanno reso la traversata un piu "calorosa" di quanto si possa immaginare. Gli ultimi km in Puglia in questa estate torrida sono diventati un ottimo allenamento per un probabile giro futuro in terre desertiche.
Grandi emozioni e persone stupende attraverso L'europa.

Qui la mia intervista, grazie Annamaria

martedì 14 luglio 2015

Going through Europe on the bike

What is different this year? I want to spend more time enjoying the nature and the people I will meet on the way. I want to know who they are, what they think about this crazy person using his bike for the trip. I will go through 5 nations: starting with Netherlands, then Germany, Austria, Switzerland and finally Italy.

mercoledì 8 luglio 2015

Here we are again on the bike

It's time to go again, this year I haven't spent so much time to plan my trip, but she was calling me. I need to go and enjoy the nature and people.
I will follow again the route N-S from North of The Netherlands to the South of Italy, Puglia region. I will use Hans Reitsma route, especially the one going trough Austria, here you can find it the details

Departure day 15 July 2015